The University of Pécs Admission interview - What to expect and how to be prepared



The University of Pécs Admission interview - What to expect and how to be prepared

The journey to the University of Pécs starts in many places, one thing you will have to go through is the admission interview.

The admission interview is designed to test your language, communication skills and sometimes your academic background. It is an important way to boost your chances of getting accepted to the university as well as the perfect moment to show off your skills and convince the interviewing committee that you will be a valuable addition to a program.

To ease your experience and make it less scary, I am here to tell you the most frequently asked questions and some tips to success.


  1. Please introduce yourself in a few sentences: After a prompt greeting, you will be asked to introduce yourself. The interviewers want to know about you. This question often requires you to be brief, short and not go into long stories about your life and experiences. The interviewers want to know about your personal and academic background in a few sentences.   
  2. Why did you choose this university/Faculty? This question is a good opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge about the university and show the interview committee that you have done the research and that you are motivated and committed to your decision of choosing the university of Pécs. They want to make sure that if they offer you a place you will accept it. Try to give some concise reasons, by mentioning how you are interested in the variety of modules offered in the curriculum or the facilities that are relevant or the faculty’s approach to the major you have chosen.
  3. Why did you choose this subject? This may be the most important question of the interview. The interviewers would like to know that you have a genuine interest and desire in your chosen major and of course for the right reasons. Probably you were interested in the subject in your previous studies and therefore you excelled in it. Demonstrate that the major fits your future goals and aspirations.  
  4. What do you know about Pécs/Hungary? Just simply state what you know about the country/city and how you heard about it. Probably from the social media platforms of the university, from a friend or a family member. Show that you are interested in discovering Pécs and Hungarian culture. Remember to keep this short and approach your answer from general to specific.
  5. What achievement are you most proud of? This question can be about anything that you are proud of, unless the interviewers specified that they want you to talk about an academic achievement. Another chance to highlight your suitability and interest in the course, so try to make it subject-relevant if possible. You could talk about a prize you won during your studies, a test you did particularly well in, or a school project you were especially proud of or any achievement that got recognition.                                               
  6. Tell us about your goals and plans after Graduation: Avoid vague statements that suggest you do not have a plan. Interviewers like to see determination. Describe how your specific talents, experiences, and degree pursuits will help you succeed.

For some specific Majors like Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Engineering…, you will be asked some questions That are directly related to your subject. Questions that will test your background and show that you have an idea about what you will be studying during. Down below you can find links to pages that have the typical questions that can come up during the interview.

Biology BSc: 

Chemistry BSc:

Physics BSc:

Geography MSc:

Biology MSc:


Medical School and Faculty of Pharmacy:

The interview is a way for you to display a strong interest in the university, and it lets the interviewers get to know your personality behind the grades and test scores. It is a great opportunity to present yourself as a winning candidate.

While taking the interview think through the experiences that shine a light on your leadership, your teamwork, your creativity, and resourcefulness, and you’ll be prepared for any question that comes your way. Don’t forget the dream that has motivated you.

Be true to your story and you’ll do great!


Written by Laila Idouissaden
International Student Ambassador from Morocco
BSc in Chemistry
University of Pécs, Faculty of Sciences 



university of pecs, oral interview, skype interview, admission, study in hungary, international student ambassador, morocco, pécs